Monday, July 2, 2012
Thanks and Goodbye!
We leave the store with a lot of positives - we've fulfilled a lifelong dream of owning our own business, met a lot of great people along the way, learned a lot of valuable life lessons, and closed out having placed another tick next to one of our 'bucket list' goals.
Why did we decide to sell 'Read, Write & Brew'? Well, our life priorities changed, mainly due to the arrival of Xavier Patrick. Raising him and being great parents is our new goal in life, and the store was getting in the way of that.
We're now looking forward to lots of family time, the unknown path that lies ahead, and the fresh new opportunities that come along with that. We're also looking forward to a fresh new coffeehouse that's about to open up in our neighborhood!
Truett and Shana are working hard to revamp the store into 'Bean Fosters', and we hope you'll join us in welcoming them to the neighborhood, and pop in later this month to see what they've done with the space. Click here to transfer through to their blog site, and keep up to date on their progress.
Thanks again for your support over the years everyone!
We appreciate it more than you know.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Book Spotlight
Friday, May 25, 2012
What's with all the roundabouts? (and other important questions to Golden locals...)
Saturday, June 2nd, 9am
Got questions about what’s happening in your neighborhood? Want answers, but don’t have the time to suit up and make an appointment with a councilor? Well keep those curlers in your hair, don a dressing gown over those PJ’s, and have your morning joe with Joe, or Saoirse, or another one of your Council reps. From these morning sessions at Read, Write & Brew, Jefferson and I have had many answers to questions we’ve had regarding our local neighborhood, from growing a tree in the nature strip near our house, to pesky traffic lights that always seem to be red (you know the ones we're talking about if you live in Eagle Ridge). No question or query is too small.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mother's Day Ideas
We have some new items in store that she'll just love, and won't break the budget.
Locally made aprons, starting at $12.
Locally hand carved greeting cards, just $3.99.
And of course, we have a great range of books that we're sure she'll love. Gardening books, cooking books, crafting books, romance novels, Opra's Book Club collection...
Don't forget to get her some freshly ground Allegro coffee beans too, while you're at it.
Give us a visit, and make her day.
Keep in mind, we're not open Sunday, so you only have 2 more days to shop at Read, Write & Brew for Mother's Day!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Treat yourself to a 'lil som' special next time you're at Read, Write & Brew.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Play Circular Chess at Read, Write & Brew
Circular chess is a chess variant played using the standard set of pieces on a circular board consisting of four rings, each of sixteen squares. This is topologically equivalent to playing on the surface of a cylinder.
Historical circular chess
If you're not into learning new games (with all the new rules, and learning processes, and rule referencing involved) and instead like to jump straight into a good old tried and tested game, we also have a Backgammon table all painted up and ready for you to enjoy too. Bring a friend, bring your lucky pieces, and make an afternoon of it.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Read, Write & Brew - for all your home decorating needs...
Just saw this clever home decorating tip on Pinterest.
Cool right!
We've got lots of in-expensive books just like these, should you wish to pull this look off in your home. Come in and see us. We'll be glad to help you find some.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Have you tried our 'Apple Caramel Macchiato' yet?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Coffee with a Councilor - Sat 3rd March 2012, 9am

upcoming decisions for City Council, volunteering to make a difference, your priorities, your concerns, sharing ideas with your neighbors.
Info: or 303.709.7529
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Oh how we'd love to win a Westword 'Best Of Denver'
Hey! Did ya'll know that the Westword is currently taking votes for its' 'Best of Denver 2012' issue?
Click here to go directly to the voting page - and while you're there, can you think of any Used Bookstores or Coffeehouses in Golden worth a mention in the poll? Somewhere you can go to, say, read something, write something, and have a cup of brew? Hmmmmmm........
Saturday, February 11, 2012
That first cup of the day.
So, I don't know where I was or what I was watching when Ally McBeal originally aired on TV. I would come into work and hear people talk about 'last nights episode' - but for some reason or another, I just never got around to watching it.
I recently noticed the whole series is available for instant watch on Netflix, and decided to get belatedly get caught up. You know, just in case a question about the show ever comes up in a game of Trivial Pursuit, or before another reference to "snappish!" flies completely over my head again. I figured it's a good way to pass the time as I jog on the treadmill.
How has any of this got anything to do with Read, Write & Brew?
This scene, that's what.
When I saw it, I 'bout fell off the treadmill. Because it's hot? Mmm-yeeesssss.... but more because this is exactly how I feel about my first cup of coffee of the day. I totally had an "I do that!" moment. If you don't get that response from your daily coffee, you're either: not doin' it right, paying too much, or buying your coffee from the wrong place.
People ask me if I'm a 'coffee connoisseur' because I own a coffeehouse. The answer is, no I am not. I may know a little more than the average person does about coffee, the processes involved, and how to brew it right, but I can't call myself a 'connoisseur'. However, it doesn't take a connoisseur to do the Ally McBeal test every time you have a cup of coffee - and if you get that 'ahhhhh' moment..., then that's how you know you're onto a good thing. When you're paying four or five bucks a pop, you'd better be getting at least that! That's what we believe at our store, and that's why we practice so much attention to detail when we make your drinks for you.
Editors note: I know that last sentence sounds like a shameful plug, and I almost deleted it for its lameness (or the lame sound of it) but I didn't because it's really and honestly true. How else are we gonna keep you all coming back to us again and again?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Valentines Day
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Coffee with a Councilor
Time: 9:00am
720 Golden Ridge Rd Unit D,
Golden CO 80401

Monday, January 23, 2012
Have you been in to Read, Write & Brew lately?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
If you STILL haven't caught him yet - here's another chance!

Excerpt taken from:
Jerry Barlow will be at Read, Write & Brew
starting at 10.30am
For more information, visit
Friday, September 9, 2011
New coffee drinks coming soon...
MULTI -AUTHOR BOOK SIGNING - September 10th (that's this Saturday!) 11am until 2pm

Attention all book lovers and aspiring writers! Come and interact with talented published local area writers. Talk to them about their current books and latest literary works. All books will be available for purchase direct from the author. Who will be there?
Jo Ann Colton is a published writer, seminar facilitator, and marketer. She specializes in business writing, newspaper and magazines articles. Website
Kim Burnett has four books facing publication, including this guide for men entitled, The Knuckle-draggers Guide to Romance (Yes Even a Caveman Can Do It). Website
Dave Knox has been writing creatively since the 1960s. Revolution: A Revisionist’s Fiction, is a story that embraces a different U.S. historical outcome for the period 1968-1974. Website
Kellee Henderson of Edit Write, Ink is a savvy editor with clients nationwide. She has nineteen (19) years of professional experience providing quality editing services. Kellee is a published author of non-fiction stories and articles.
This event is organized and hosted by the
For more information about the multi-author event, or the group’s monthly meetings contact:
JM Colton
(303) 670-1028.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Free Live Music: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar by Jerry Barlow

Excerpt taken from:
Jerry Barlow will be at Read, Write & Brew
10.30am - noon
For more information, visit
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Closed Monday September 5th for Labor Day
Other things going on in Denver this labor day,even tho we're not...
- A Taste of Colorado
- Jazz Aspen Snowmass Labor Day Festival
- Celebration Metaphysical Fair
- Colorado State Fair
- Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks game
- Last day to go to Water World!
Have a great Labor Day weekend off people. Enjoy what little is left of summer in Denver, and then on Tuesday be sure to come back into 'Read, Write & Brew' for your mocha-choca-cinna-latte, or whatever it is that tickles yer fancy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Local Author Book Signing: The Ties That Bind: Birds, Nature and Us.
Americans are great joiners. Millions of us join organizations devoted to birds, animals, natural history, and the outdoors. But joining is not the same as connecting. We have been slow to realize that Nature is in trouble. The climate is warming. Resources are disappearing faster than we can replace them. Species extinctions are accelerating.
To save birds and to preserve the planet we must first heal ourselves, because as intolerance and selfishness demonstrate every day, humanity is in trouble with itself. We can begin to save ourselves by realizing that our fate is linked to that of the natural world. We can begin to heal our environment by relearning cooperation, mutual respect, and generosity of spirit—virtues that will reinforce our intimate and infinite ties to Mother Nature.
Throughout The Ties That Bind: Birds, Nature and Us Mike Foster emphasizes the practical value of these virtues while elaborating the personal philosophy he has developed during a lifetime of outdoor experiences. His sympathetic connections to Nature provide vivid images of the natural world, especially birds. His message is informative and uplifting.
The questions the author raises in these essays probe subjects most of us prefer to ignore: Why are so many Americans still denying their role in global warming? How is the “energy crisis” mostly a matter of attitudes? What would bacteria like to tell us? Why is water shortage a moral issue?
In the voluminous literature on the environment, this book is unique in suggesting the transformative role birds can play in changing our attitudes to Nature. Based on solid biological research, expressed in a fluent and often lyrical style with a confident voice, Foster’s essays will convince you that birds and Nature are worth saving.
Come down to 'Read, Write & Brew' this Saturday to hear Mike Foster read from his book,
as well as engage in discussion on this hot topic.
To find out more, be sure to
visit the website for 'The Ties That Bind'
Friday, June 10, 2011
A deer, juggler and uni-cycles
A deer walked through the car park.
A guy then started juggling 6 balls by his car as he waited for his friends to show up... on their uni-cycles.
Just another 'day in the life' at Read, Write & Brew.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Live Music: "Tim Merkel and Kyle Walker Sharing a Mic"
You may have seen them perform at local events around town - or you may not have had the opportunity to listen to their stuff yet. Either way, they're passionate about music, they're talented, and they're free to listen to! So make sure you come on down to your local coffeehouse with a bunch of friends and enjoy the free entertainment.
The free music starts now. Click the links below to hear Tim Merkel play:
Wed June 1st (that's tomorrow!),
Wed June 15th,
Wed June 29th,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
MULTI -AUTHOR BOOK SIGNING - May 14th (that's this Saturday!) 11am until 2pm

Attention all book lovers and aspiring writers! Come and interact with talented published local area writers. Talk to them about their current books and latest literary works. All books will be available for purchase direct from the author. Who will be there?
Jo Ann Colton is a published writer, seminar facilitator, and marketer. She specializes in business writing, newspaper and magazines articles. Website
Bert was deaf and blind since the age of forty five. This heartwarming narrative is told by Diane Lane Chambers, eighty six year-old Bert's sign language teacher. Website
Kim Burnett has four books facing publication, including this guide for men entitled, The Knuckle-draggers Guide to Romance (Yes Even a Caveman Can Do It). Website
Dave Knox has been writing creatively since the 1960s. Revolution: A Revisionist’s Fiction, is a story that embraces a different U.S. historical outcome for the period 1968-1974. Website
This event is organized and hosted by the
For more information about the multi-author event, or the group’s monthly meetings contact:
JM Colton
(303) 670-1028.